Watch D.O.G.S Sign-up

Watch DOG Volunteer Expectations: (pdf)

As a Watch D.O.G. dad you will work with and interact with students throughout the school day. Because you will be a role model for our students, it is important that you understand the expectations we have for you while you are with us.

1) Set a good example with your words and your actions:
2) For our students' safety as well as your liability, please keep the following in mind:
3) Interaction between our Watch D.O.G. dads and our students is a key part of what makes this program so effective. However, it is important that you interact with our students at appropriate times. Please do not interrupt the instruction that is being delivered in our classrooms. Upon arriving at a classroom assignment, enter the classroom and wait for the teacher to give you directions about what he or she would like for you to do. Consider the following locations and times as great places to interact with our students: